One morning I was having a discussion with my son, a high school student at the time, and the truth of my "outlook on life" became real. We were chatting and I commented to him that he needed to start seeing things a little differently...that he was quite negative and that was no way to live. At that moment, he posed one of the most difficult questions to swallow. He said, "Mom, how can I be positive when EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING around me is so negative?"
WOW! I've asked God what His will for me is and how nice it would be if he sent a sign, like "Neon" or maybe a brick upside the head, but I should have been more clear that one brick would suffice. That day, it felt as a ton of bricks!
I began taking steps to become more positive by reading and sharing uplifting quotes and stories. It became a morning habit for quite some time. I received many "likes" and "comments" on my Facebook page and even had people tell me they looked forward to my morning posts. This was all good and helped me climb out of my pessimistic pit, or at least it seemed. I was looking more towards "half full", but there was still something missing.
God began speaking to my spirit. He didn't use bricks this time to get my attention, He whispered. Deep into my soul. He said that while I was battling for a cup that was either "half full" or "half empty", I was striving for the wrong thing and looking in the wrong places. He wanted me to seek Him to find a cup that was more than overflowing. He wanted me to find life in Him that would be full of His joy and His peace so that I may overflow with His love and hope!
Are you settling for a cup that is less than full and a life that is less than abundant? It doesn't have to be that way. Listen for that still small voice of God for He can change your life if you allow Him! I know. He's changed mine!
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