Sunday, October 28, 2012

Someone is coming!

SANDY! SANDY! SANDY is coming to town! Have you prepared for her? Do you have water? Batteries? A generator? Propane??? Seems like strange items to have for Sandy, but this isn't just any "Sandy", this is Hurricane Sandy and she's packing a punch! For a week now we've been hearing about Sandy. She is bringing in quite a bit of wind and water from the ocean and if she meets up with any of the other storms, we could have a huge snow storm. Are you prepared?
As I've heard all too often these last couple of days, we all need to be prepared for the storm that is coming. Don't get me wrong, I believe that we should be prepared in case of the impending doom of no electricity and lack of water, etc. I also believe that I may finally catch up on sleep without electricity to distract me from going straight to bed and that ever invasive alarm clock waking me up in the morning ;-)
Something else struck me this past week though. As everyone is flurrying around trying to be prepared by buying up all the possible items they think they may need, are they the least bit prepared for those storms that come unexpectedly? Those storms that can shake every bit of our well being and emotional stability? Many times there are no things that can help you through the storms of life. There is something though...Someone... who can help. People buy bottles of water, but He is the Living Water. People buy batteries for flashlights, but He is the true Light of the world. People buy generators for energy, but He gives us more than energy, He gives us life! Who is He? He is my Jesus! Turn to Him and He will prepare you for, and carry you through the true storms of life.

1 comment:

  1. Posted from your heart... so proud of you! I love the ending best. Be blessed dear friend as the Holy Spirit flows through you onto your blog. It is a great joy to pen God's truth. Welcome aboard!
