Sunday, November 15, 2015

Tis the season!

I love Christmas.  I love most things about it, including the lights, the music, and the joy of giving and receiving, Not the materialistic Christmas that is the spending exorbitant amounts of money on gifts, but I do find joy in giving meaningful gifts.  I love the Christmas that is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.  The celebration of the day that my Savior came to earth fully man, yet fully God.  I know that Jesus wasn't born in the middle of winter and that December 25th is probably not the actual date, but it is a mutual time that Christians can join together and celebrate His birth.

There are some things about Christmas that I do not like though.  Materialism is a big one and another is the complaining that happens each year as some people get up on their soap boxes and try to tell the rest of the world how they should celebrate "Christmas".

With less than 2 weeks to go until Thanksgiving, I've already seen numerous absurdities about Christmas.  This past week there was a lot of hoopla over a certain overpriced coffee chain and their solid colored red cup that they chose as their seasonal holiday cup.  All of a sudden, there were claims that the said coffee chain had waged a war on Christmas, although they sell advent calendars and a Christmas blend of coffee.  There was a video that encouraged Christians to lie to the baristas when asked for their name in order to get "Merry Christmas" on the cup...wait...WHAT?!

Then I saw a post on a social media site that claimed that they couldn't say "Merry Christmas" anymore or call it a Christmas tree because it might offend someone.  It proceeded to say that these are customs and if you don't like the customs then get out!  Then it encouraged anyone who would have the guts to agree with this to repost the status.  I refrained.  I do say Merry Christmas and call it a Christmas tree, but I am not going to hold it against someone who doesn't and tell them to get out.

As a believer in Christ, I know that we are to love others so they may see Jesus within.  Before joining in on the next rant of a war on Christmas or mindlessly sharing some post about how unfair it is that you "can't say Christmas", ask if it is something that will show others how Jesus loves.  When people hear petty complaints from Christians, especially at this time of year, it doesn't turn anybody towards Jesus, but quite the opposite!  

I doubt Jesus cares what the design is on the overly priced cup of coffee is, but he does care about if you're sharing the blessings He's provided you with others.  I'm don't think he cares if the cashier at the grocery store wishes you happy holidays or Merry Christmas, but I know that he cares how you've treated them as they have served you.  Aren't we supposed to care about the things that Jesus cares about? 

This Christmas, let's focus on loving Jesus, celebrating Him and sharing His Love with the world around us.  Then, and only then, are we doing something that Jesus not only cares about, but commands us to do.

30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”  Mark 12:30-31 (ESV)

Merry Christmas to you all!